High Density Nickel Chromium Aluminum (NiCrAl)
CT5146-2 is a nickel-chromium aluminum alloy coating applied using the HVOF process. The coating is very dense, very well bonded and suitable for use as a very machineable build up coating in areas where high temperature oxidation resistance is desirable. CT5146-1 works well in aerospace and land based turbine applications up to 1800° F.
Typical Properties
For the Following Applications:
CT5146-2 is used for severe service conditions of high temperature oxidation. It is used frequently to repair hot section parts of gas turbines where machineability is a highly desirable characteristic.
Finish CT5146-2 by machining. If machining use C2 carbide tools, minimum 200 SFPM, light cuts up to .005” per pass and .0015/rev. traverse speeds. CT5146-2, if ground, tends to load the grinding wheel, so frequent dressing is required.
CT-5125-2 meets the following specifications: